How does bashir dawood help pakistan?

Natural disasters, war intercontinental conflicts between nations take a toll on the country’s economical situation and destroys a country in many ways. Wars lead to a rise in prices of basic day to day amenities by a huge margin and leave many people homeless. War leads to the destruction of the entire city and many families end up losing their lives and many losing their houses. Aftereffects of wars are unimaginable and lead a person living in a country facing war homeless, jobless, and foodless. That’s why when the war ends many families face a very hard time as they are left with no job and home and there is no means to earn money so they are not able to feed their family as well which leads to the death of many innocents by starvation and many different diseases which come into one’s body due to inadequate care.

To face these situations governments and many wealthy families of the country run relief camps which help the people of the country by providing them with food and shelter and every possible thing required to carry out a living until the country’s situation gets balanced. Pakistan is a country for whom the decade 2000 was very harsh, as it was filled with wars, natural disasters, and whatnot, at that situation a man who supports the Dawood Foundation in Pakistan Bashir Dawood came up with their relief institution and supported the country and the people with all they could. This a relief effort by Bashir Dawood to help the people of the country face hard times with a little ease.

Bashir Dawood

Who is bashir dawood?

The owner and the biggest supporter of the Dawood foundation, Bashir Dawood helps his relief institution for helping many war victims by providing them all the necessities required to carry out a living in hard times such as war. They help the war victims for as long as the country is not back to normal again and people are ready to lead their normal lives.

Their institution is one of the best relief institutions in Pakistan with more than hundreds of volunteers ready to help with their full zeal and enthusiasm and with the country’s support. They raise funds and help the poor and needy people with those funds to make their lives easier.

What are relief institutions?

Countries face a difficult situation like wars and natural disasters frequently without any warning. As a result, the county suffers and the people of the country suffer even more during wars and disasters as they lose their livelihoods and jobs and some people even lose their homes which leaves them with no place to live other than the streets. Relief institutions provide help to these people who are victims of wars and disasters by providing them food clothing and shelter until the country is balanced and the people are ready to lead their normal lives.